Kiddie Tax

The kiddie tax could affect your children until they’re young adults

The so-called “kiddie tax” can cause some of a child’s unearned income to be taxed at the parent’s higher marginal federal income tax rates instead of at the usually much lower rates that a child would otherwise pay. For purposes of this federal income tax provision, a “child” can be up to 23 years old. […]

The kiddie tax could affect your children until they’re young adults Read More »

Putting your child on your business’s payroll for the summer may make more tax sense than ever

If you own a business and have a child in high school or college, hiring him or her for the summer can provide a multitude of benefits, including tax savings. And hiring can make more sense than ever due to changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). How it works. By shifting some

Putting your child on your business’s payroll for the summer may make more tax sense than ever Read More »